Monday, October 18, 2010

You Know Your from Northampton when....

1. You know or have seen 50p Lil

2. The Lift tower is a regular view from a window in your house.

3. Sixfields is not 6 fields it is indeed the football ground.

4. You know that the University of Northampton used to be called Nene College.

5. You know that Lava/Ignite was once called Visage and Time and Envy.

6. You still refer to Lava/Ignite as Time and Envy... or Visage...

7. You know that Carlsberg have one of the biggest factories in Britain just opposite St Peters Way.

8. You can always smell the yeast from Carlsberg.

9. You will know that Thomas Beckett did something in Northampton, as he has a shopping park, a pub, a school and a field named after him.

10. You possibly don't know what Thomas Beckett did.

11. Shoes mean more to people in Northampton.

12. DYK that there is a leather factory on the Park Campus?

13. The racecourse has been home to many drunken memories.

14. You have been near the Cock Hotel Pub, that does have the sign "Enter at Rear" outside it.

15. You notice the same sign outside the old gay bar called the Jolly Anchor.  

16. Finally, you have been on the Welly Run.

17. CHRON-I-CLE!!!

18. You actually know what that means without the aid of facebook.

19. You can remember Top of The Town and Cinderella Rockerfella.

20. You actually know what "och up" "m'duck" and "okkard" mean!!!

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